上海惠靈頓國際學(xué)校的課程繼承了英國國家課程及威爾士國家課程,同時結(jié)合美國哈佛大學(xué)Howard Gardner "多種才能" 理念啟發(fā)而形成的八大智能教育理念。除了低年級學(xué)生以外,我們還為10-11年級(15-16歲)的學(xué)生提供IGCSE課程。此外,從2015年8月開始我們還為12-13(17-18歲)年級學(xué)生提供IBDP課程。
Wellington College International Shanghai's academic programme is based on the English National Curriculum for England and Wales. The College offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in Years 10-11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Years 12 and 13, which will start in August 2015.
The curriculum is supplemented by the Eight Aptitudes, inspired by the work of Harvard Professor, Howard Gardner.
Wellington offers a wide programme of activities and annual events. Every pupil is involved in the Wellington Arts Programme which provides access to Drama, Dance, Music, Creative Writing and Art & Design.